
In order to elaborate a methodological proposal that could be useful in scenarios similar to the study area, we started from the study of the local geodiversity, combining the review of the literature on inventories and geoconservation, within the framework of the UNESCO Geoparks, with the fieldwork in collaboration with local experts in nature sciences (geo and bio) and tourism. The data collected from these activities have been used in a SWOT analysis, to obtain a diagnosis of the study area (the Zat Valley, in the High Atlas close to Marrakech).

A SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was carried out considering the management needs of the geological heritage of the geoparks. It is not a holistic analysis but a specific one for the evaluation of the utility of geodiversity as a natural resource for scientific, didactic or tourist use. This analysis has been made with the data collected from the bibliography, field work and meetings (formal and informal) with local experts, which incorporate input from local communities.

A set of geosites has been proposed by the UAB research team based on qualitative and quantitative assessment:





Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Pour aller plus loin

Poch J., Teixell A., Gomez -Gras D., José Martinez F., Cardellach E.et Brianso J.L.  (2019) Proposition méthodologique pour la valorisation de la géodiversité des zones rurales comparable à celle de la vallée du Zat (Maroc). in Girault Y. (Dir.) Les géoparcs mondiaux UNESCO : une mise en tension entre développement des territoires et mise en valeur du patrimoine. ISTE éditions, Londres, 285P., pp143-168